Information for Affordable Housing Developers
Local Funding Opportunities
Frequently Asked Questions
What state funding opportunities are available for affordable housing?
State funding opportunities for affordable housing include:
- Washington State Housing Finance Commission
- Programs for multifamily developers – including tax credit financing, bond financing, and land acquisition
- Programs for homeownership developers – including the Land Acquisition Program
- Housing Trust Fund (HTF)
- Affordable housing projects that receive capital funding through the HTF must comply with the Evergreen Sustainable Development Standard
What are Pierce County’s housing targets?
Find housing targets adopted by the Pierce County on pages 7-8 of Ordinance 2023-22s.
What is in the affordable housing pipeline in Pierce County? What has already been built?
For information on the affordable housing pipeline in Pierce County, email Bryan Schmid at bryan.schmid@piercecountywa.gov.
A map of affordable housing projects completed since 2017 is located here.
What SSHA3P jurisdictions are eligible for Connecting Housing to Infrastructure (CHIP) funding?
All SSHA3P member cities, towns, and the county are eligible for CHIP funding because Pierce County collects a sales and use tax for housing and related services under RCW 82.14.530.
What are the payment standards and utility allowances in Pierce County?
Pierce County Housing Authority’s payment standards and utility allowances, for projects in Pierce County and outside of Tacoma
Tacoma Housing Authority’s payment standards and utility allowances, for projects in Tacoma